November 4, 2023

Far from Home

It's been cloudy since last week.  We thought it was going to have a snowfall last week, but it was just a hale. The sun is hiding and the weather is quite depressing. It could be that I'm still not used to it. I miss the sun, warmth, and people.

I moved miles away, however, I missed home. I miss everything that reminds me of home.

I was walking home. It was a perfect view: a sunset, a cinematic view of trees, and a mountain at a distance. The cold fills the air as the snow is coming.  Here are some of the pictures I took: 

Then, my dream last night struck me. I was in our home washing the dishes as if I had always been there. In that dream, I was confused as to why was I still at home. I was wondering if I was just dreaming that I moved away? 

Confused as I may be, however, I felt a relief. Relief that I am in my comfort space, somewhere I belong. Sometimes it's hard to move to a place where you do not know anyone. It is challenging because forming a bond with someone takes time, energy, and a lot of similarities. Sometimes, you just don't know how to find your tribe. Like you are trapped in a forest without a map. I am trying to accept the fact that I will not be physically part of the achievements of my loved ones and friends. Seeing them on social media makes me think that the path we have taken is two very different and separate roads.

Nonetheless, I am going to take this path that I have chosen. I knew for a fact that my soul would always long for this experience of being far from home. I knew that I was always meant to partake in a journey that entails uprooting my identity and finding myself in another place. This is a journey of knowing who I am without the comfort of home and of how people identify me. This is a challenging but empowering journey. 

I hope one day, everything will make sense.

Photos taken using Nikon D7000


  1. great pics it looks like the weather here where im at too! i have very vivid dreams and ahh i just like this post so much gives me so much nostalgic feeling. thanks for sharing! - kiki |

  2. I can feel it. How we have to choose between flying away and chase our dream or forget it so we can stay close with the loved ones. But lucky me I'm still in the same country as my family.

    Wow, Lyssa, you still use the same blog header as the first time I interacted with you in 2014 through blogwalking; a trend for newbie blogger back then.


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