October 16, 2017

Love and Guidance from Angel Card Reading

Do you believe in angels? In spiritual guides? In the existence of "other dimension"? In attracting positive energy in your life? In life after death? Well, I do. I am curious about all these things until met Ms. Evelyn Princess Buendia, an angeologist, and her angel guides. They studies how angels interact with people to reveal God's purpose. I never thought I would meet a real psychic and I was amazed. 

I tried the angel card reading and here are the cards that reflect me. Angel cards tells your angel's message for you.

These two cards reflect what I need to develop. I need to find courage to face the challenges and accept the things that I cannot change. Sometimes life frustrates me. As an idealist, I want things to be under my control, but things are sometimes are not the way they are. I need to develop courage to face failures and keep on striving.

These four cards reflect what I am now and where I am going. The consciousness of my higher self has been "activated". It all started in  2014 when I began to ask questions about life. It also says that my dreams would come true and to follow them. In the process, I could see the beauty of life.

This card states my "life purpose" that I need to develop. I am not much of a talker (or am I) but encouraging people makes me feel satisfied and happy.

The last card which says "Helper of Thought" is like talking to my lazy self that I should get going and my life is about to start to move fast.

Actually, I am amazed to meet like-minded individuals. People who believe in higher dimension and spreading love to the world. You can visit their facebook page here. I believe everything happens for a reason, and there's a reason why I met them while I was looking for answers.

These cards are guides and it depends on you on how you process it. I take it with understanding and reflect on it. It feels good to think over about your life and doing your purpose. How about you? Do you believe in angels and that they bring message for the humanity?


  1. Interesting post! I'm fascinated with these stuff too. It'd be cool to have a personal reading as well.

    Joy to the World

  2. Yes I do believe in Angels. And they're real.


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