May 29, 2015

Chasing and chasing.

Random feathers to fill up this post.

There are times when you just have to give up something because it is not meant for you. No matter how hard you push yourself to it, if it's not for you, then it's not. I had this dream. I pushed myself to it, because I used to believe that if my desire for it is just too much, I can get it. I believed that if I just work hard for something, I can get. I depend so much to myself and sacrificed a lot of things just to reached that wondrous dream. I can't help it. There's a point in your life when you'll be blinded with your dreams. You will sacrifice lots of things just to achieve that dream. You traveled miles, invested sweat and blood. You have actually invested so much for it. Until that dream just flew away and you can't chaste it anymore. I got a word from the above to leave that dream because it's not for me. At first I didn't listened. I love it so much, just so much to surrender it. But then again, His ways are His ways. I'm just a human being, and I have my limits. I guess I loved my dreams so much that I forgot that there is something more for me. What I mean is that He has something more for you. And that something is greater than your dreams. For what you want is not really what you deserve, because you may deserve to have more. Then my consciousness reached me. If I had just reached that dream and flew away, I might be lost and might never find my way home again. My dreams, it has flown to a land full of uncertainties. You know, it's also good to take risks, but you must learn when to take it and when to let it go, because if you take the risks blindly, you might just lost everything that you have. You must know how to balance things because you might be end up investing to a bankrupt bank. 

I know it's confusing but don't believe so much in yourself. Believing in yourself is good, but too much is bad. It may create disappointments and frustrations in your life. Learn to be open minded. Learn to look at your left and at your right, rather than focusing too much looking forward. There could be something more in other directions than on what you are seeing right now. You might as well consider looking to other directions, because the answer could just be behind you. The thing is, letting go of something is not always bad. because once a door closes, another door opens. You can never tell, that door could be the answer to your questions.

1 comment:

  1. i love the way you convey the words, this is a motivation to me. keep on writing <3


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