March 5, 2013

18 birthday is approaching!

Daily status: *currently*
Up-coming events: 18th birthday is coming!
 Back to blogspot :D
 Gonna learn some more songs to play.
 Practice playing GUITAR.

Hi there! It's been a long time since the last time I posted here. Things are still complicated. I am really busy with this stuff. Look at that, the one above. that is just a draft of the endless laboratory reports that we need to pass every week.We need to pass it after we conduct the experiment. But here I go again still procrastinating. Anyway, somewhere in the last days of March will be my 18th birthday and I feel so bad! I feel like really old and to think that I never had a boy friend. Oh well, that fact worsen the situation. No one dared to ask me for a date or what. But let's just be the good girl-waiting-for-mr-perfect. But hey! Wake-up, there's no Mr. Perfect.

I have this crazy moment yesterday. I gave my email and password to my best friend for some reasons. Then, she called me and she told me that she'll gonna chat my crush. AND GOSSSHHH! I felt like melting. I dont know what to react. She told him random stuffs like " Why aren't you talking to me at school?". Of course, I'm not insane if I were there to ask that question. First of all, we are not close. He has lots of friends to be with. He has lots of pretty friends, a lot prettier than me. No one ever does appreciate my uniqueness, except of myself. I am pretty. Now That's a self proclamation!

I really miss you guys! I miss dropping to your blogs, will do that later when I'll find time. :D

I still don't have any plans for my 18 birthday. My mother don't want me to debut for economic purposes. so what am I gonna do now? How am I gonna celebrate my 18 birthday?

1 comment:

  1. I'm turning 22 this year and still no boyfriend too!
    hahahah! Wish you all the best for everything coming up this month and the next.


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