June 25, 2011


The most destructive habit.....................................Worry
The greatest Joy...................................................Giving
The greatest loss..................................................Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work.......................................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait....................................Selfishness
The most endangered species................................Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource................................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"...............................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.........................Fear
The most effective sleeping pill..............................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease..........................Excuses
The most powerful force in life..............................Love
The most dangerous pariah..................................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer...................The brain
The worst thing to be without............................... Hope
The deadliest weapon..........................................The tongue
The two most power-filled words.........................."I Can"
The greatest asset...............................................Faith
The most worthless emotion.................................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire......................................SMILE!
The most prized possession................................ Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication........Prayer
The most contagious spirit...................................Enthusiasm

I found this in facebook and I was enlightened by this simple thoughts. I have realized that positive outlook in life has a very great impact in everything we do. Since I always think negative things sometimes, it will just worsen the situation. Life isn't perfect. There will be if life if there's no problems along the way. Problems shouldn't be the reason to give up rather a way to a greater hope. I believe that problems will help you develop yourself and will mold you as a person. I also believe that experience is the best teacher because above all, experience is the only way to know yourself better. I believe life isn't that easy but it isn't also that hard depending on your perspective in life. Learn to have goals. If you fail, go and stand up and show the world what you've got. Be positive! You live a life by making it. If you make it happy, everything will be happy. Be positive! Smell the flowers, taste the fruits and breathe the fresh air. After all, as long as there is life, there's hope... Go and make a life!

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